Monday, September 20, 2010

INSOMNIA - big or small problem?

hi ,
today suppose to have 2 tution - Peter's & Elicia's.
but , i cancelled it.
bcos last night i slept late , no , rather i NEVER sleep !
i cant sleep th whole night , i dunno why..
haish. i only manage to sleep like around 6-7am?
tts why i cant have tuition as it starts at 1pm.
end up i wake up at 3pm.

there's one comprehension i did with Elicia , is about "Insonmnia".
its an interesting passage.
"this is th first time i understand th comprehension passage and i feel like i've insomnia !"  i told her after reading.
"Slight insomnia might only mean taking a longer time to fall asleep."
"..severe insomnia... can go without sleep th entire night."
OMG ~ i have both slight&severe insomnia man..
issit a big problem to have insomnia? should i visit th doctor? or its just a small problem tt most ppl have?

btw , Peter is my English tuition teacher and Elicia is my English&Math tuition teacher(:

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