Wednesday, September 22, 2010

21st Sept 2010.

hey ,
post on 21st of Sept !
there's 3 thing.
first , its exactly 1 month to MY 18th birthday - 21st Oct.
second , its my cousin KhaiKhai's 18th birthday.
i will not forget her birthday bcos she is 1month elder than me(:
btw , she's my maternal side cousin.
last but not least , it only left 34days to my O lvl Enligh&EMaths.

oh my goodness ~
i have a mixed feeling of emotion , both excited&scared.
excited bcos faster finish faster enjoy and do whatever i want and able to work !
scared bcos im not prepared yet and afraid tt i will not get th result i want again..
th feeling issn't really good , its hurtful and painful.
i'll always rmb th feeling after knowing i didnt get A1 for EMaths, POA and Science.
after knowing tt no one score an A1 for POA in Sec5N ,
i totally just broke down and burst out into tears , couldnt hold on anymore..
of cos i hid th tears to avoid ppl seeing me cried , but i think only Jaslyn saw.
so please , dun let it happen again.. dont let th history happen anymore..
im afraid of failure and not getting what i want.
once failure once pain is enough.
*tears are falling from my cheek again*
though i didnt retake POA , but i did take Emath&English.
EMath - A1 , English - B3/B4. & tts my aim in O level 2010.

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