Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hi ,
today is th first day of birth for my new-born bloggy *clapclap*
though  i used to have a blog ; but i deleted it liao):
& well , im even more idiot in blogging stuff and tts for sure !

recently , i dunno why i feel like blogging again..
 perhaps , im troubled with many things and i have no places to "complain".
thus ,i will treat this blog as my BEST OF BEST FRIEND.
though its a pity tt this best of best friend of mine couldnt "talk" to me and give me advise ,
but i will still LOVE you.

some recent photos of me tt was edited by Elaine(:
& there's ALOT more coming up bcos she havent edit nicenice.
1st picture i had with my new haircut(:
& i curl inwards abit myself *clap*
exactly th day after my oral , i went to cut.
then headed to Elaine der 7th month dinner.

credits to Elaine for being both a photographer & editer.
this was th surprise tt she wanted to give me.
& she was sooo contented and piao piao ran after she send me.
cos she said tt it was th first time she edit until like that and was so fucking nice(tts what she claimed)
she even said tt it was bcos she's a good and skillful photogragher&editer , tts why its so fucking nice.
w/o a good&chio model , could u take such a nice photo out? yeah , true? hahahas.

btw, its a sad and annoying thing..
 i cant upload my pictures[theres alot] in my camera to my computer !
bcos theres once my computer went for servicing then when came back ,
th samsung<mycamera's brand> disc tt was installed by my cousin were gone !
&& th worst thing was tt my samsung disc went missing too !!! 
fuck ~ knn ccb !@#$%^&*()  ARGHHHHHH !
what should i dooooooo ? omg ~
"go buy a new samsung disc?"
ehh ! u tot no need money ahhh.. im jobless and seriously fucking broke now hor !
& even i buy , who's th kind soul to help me install?
wah ~ im really pissed off by this man.
cos i wan my pictures to be upload and able to send pictures to th ppls who always chase me for pictures tt were taken by my camera !!

happy 1st day to my blog -

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