Monday, October 4, 2010


4th Oct

i feel like eating ;
-mini steamboat
-cream & strawberry puff
-pig stomach soup
-white chicken rice
-chilli crab
-siew mai
-tom yum
-green tea latte

omg ~
now u know why my size is sooo cute ?
bcos everyday i have different cravings to eat !
but th most food i wanted to eat is mini steamboat..
th nicest mini steamboat i ever eaten is @ blk 26 new upper changi road
<Elaine&Jaslyn's hse there de coffeeshop>
th stall owner is Elaine's father's friend.
th auntie is super friendly and nice man..
i love her and her food !

Elaine & Jaslyn & Me love going there to have lunch after school when we were in sec5 ,
or even meetup to have dinner.
therefore , th auntie knows clearly what we want everytime we went there !
mine is mini steamboat dowan sotong w maggiemee noodle + alot alot of chilli.
its really blessed to enjoy nice food + having lovely friends + chitchat-ing.
we can say its her loyal , regular customer and we also recommend th food to other ppl too :D
i recommend it to Diana , JiaXin , Ann Ting , KengPeng , Samson and .....
& eveyone thumbs up for th mini steamboat.
c'om lah , i wont recommend food tt its not nice ok !
i have a high standard of eating and im actually quite fussy towards eating..
th ppl who know me well, knows it.

however , th saddest part is tt.....
th stall had moved ! wtf ~ !#$%^&*()
why why why..
they had already grown their reputation there and had many regular customer , like us , and why moved?
though i know where they moved to,  
but what if th other customer who loves and feel like eating their mini steamboat<like me> doesnt know where they moved to..
issnt it very poor thing?
nvm , hackcare u.
i know where is it jiu hao ler..
*evil laugh*

when can i eat all my cravings for food?
once i know what i want(be it things/food) to achieve, i will strive for it (:
its either give up th thoughts or strive it for th fullest.
& thats me !

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