Sunday, October 10, 2010


wow wow wow !
such a nice number and day man..
十全十美. PERFECT.

first , everyone in th world wanted to get married on this day..
(its proven on website)
such a nice day to rmb right?

second , its my dad's birthday !
10-10-1963 = 47 years old.
Happy Birthday , Dad.
I Love You.

As usual , we had a celebration of 5pax.
my dad , my mum , my brother , my ahma and me.
ah gong is working thus not able to join us.. ):

we couldnt had a whole day celebration with him bcos he was OUT until 5.45pm.
i was sooooo angry man. my plan was ruined. HMPF/
but i forgive him bcos today its his BIG day..

went to had dinner @ Bukit Timah.
rating: 6.5/10.
th nicest food there is th roasted 'pig'.
th method of eating is use a vegetable + cucumber + roasted 'pig' + sweet sauce.
*thumbs up*

when home to cut th tiramisu cake + champange.
*happy birthday to u * 2 , happy birthday to daddyyyy , happy birthday to u*
my voice overwhelmed everyone's voice , LOLS.
(evidence in my camera's video)
after eating th cake , my dad is being requested to 'pop' open th champange by ME.
when pop-ed , we must all shout "huart ahhhhh" (one of my fav. kou tou chan)
pour th champange into th chiochio high-class glass cup.
then proceed to mine another fav. kou tou chan "ee-yarrrrrrr...sem"
as usual , my voice is th super loudest and longest. HAHAHAS.
i drink 2 cups :D

though i couldnt proceed what i actually plan , but i hope everyone enjoyed today..
be it th date of 10-10-10 or my dad's birthday.
once again , cheers for th nice & perfect day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


one of my wishes/goals is to become slim and has sexy figure like th past. *winks*
yeah , its true tt i was to be as sexy as Jessica Alba.
there's one magazine, i forgotten which brand , once mentioned tt th ideal sexy figure is to have 0.7.
calculation is your waist size divide by your hip size.
mine waist is 26 and my hip size is 37 , therefore its 0.7 !
th ideal sexy figure which Jessica Alba had too.
tts why i used to say tt i looked like Jessica Alba & no one agreed. *sad*

everything change , everything gone.
i'll nvr forget things had changed when im sec3.

no longer had a good and nice figure and complexion already );
i bet its th most scariest part where girls fear most.
& it all happened to me. wth `!#$%^&*()
i cant find a word to describe th whole feelings of mine..

Make-up is one of th greatest invention tt enables one to transform to very pretty, gorgeous and beautiful person , esp. LADY.
i totally agree with it.
to me, its not tt perfect yet.
how about your figure?
a flawless skin complexion + a slim&sexy figure *s* or *hour-glass* shape = ideal & perfect for LADY.
no doubt tt most of th girls are pursuing , including me.

when can i achieve it?
when can i fulfil my wishes/goals?
when can i get back to th time when im like almost perfect?
when ? when ? when !

i hate myself now.
i hate having many many many pimples now.
i hate being fat(stomach&thighs&arms).
i hate having elephant leg.
i hate being ugly.
i hate th feeling when i see pretty girls with good skin complexion + slim sexy figure.
i hate all these things that make me feel inferior.
i hate it , seriously.

when can i love myself?
hating people is tiring and hurting , moreover its hating myself..

perhaps, i should be more positive..

Monday, October 4, 2010


4th Oct

i feel like eating ;
-mini steamboat
-cream & strawberry puff
-pig stomach soup
-white chicken rice
-chilli crab
-siew mai
-tom yum
-green tea latte

omg ~
now u know why my size is sooo cute ?
bcos everyday i have different cravings to eat !
but th most food i wanted to eat is mini steamboat..
th nicest mini steamboat i ever eaten is @ blk 26 new upper changi road
<Elaine&Jaslyn's hse there de coffeeshop>
th stall owner is Elaine's father's friend.
th auntie is super friendly and nice man..
i love her and her food !

Elaine & Jaslyn & Me love going there to have lunch after school when we were in sec5 ,
or even meetup to have dinner.
therefore , th auntie knows clearly what we want everytime we went there !
mine is mini steamboat dowan sotong w maggiemee noodle + alot alot of chilli.
its really blessed to enjoy nice food + having lovely friends + chitchat-ing.
we can say its her loyal , regular customer and we also recommend th food to other ppl too :D
i recommend it to Diana , JiaXin , Ann Ting , KengPeng , Samson and .....
& eveyone thumbs up for th mini steamboat.
c'om lah , i wont recommend food tt its not nice ok !
i have a high standard of eating and im actually quite fussy towards eating..
th ppl who know me well, knows it.

however , th saddest part is tt.....
th stall had moved ! wtf ~ !#$%^&*()
why why why..
they had already grown their reputation there and had many regular customer , like us , and why moved?
though i know where they moved to,  
but what if th other customer who loves and feel like eating their mini steamboat<like me> doesnt know where they moved to..
issnt it very poor thing?
nvm , hackcare u.
i know where is it jiu hao ler..
*evil laugh*

when can i eat all my cravings for food?
once i know what i want(be it things/food) to achieve, i will strive for it (:
its either give up th thoughts or strive it for th fullest.
& thats me !