Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photos = Memories

its almost 1 week i haven blog ler.
its not i dowan blog.
its bcos Elaine & my cousin havent send me photos and i cant upload my photos !
so , i shall blog once i had photos.

i believe photos are able to show th happy/sad moments.
photos not only able to capture th things/moments we are had/doing & able to rewind back what one has done with th other partner.
though mind/eye are able to do so ,
but what if u forgotten bcos its too long or th other partner is dead alr or suddenly lost partially of ur memory *i know touchwood* but who knows th future...

its actually a blessed/happy thing when one think back of their own happy history made together with their family&friends.

"Best Friends may give u th best/happy memories/moments,
but they may not always be by your side in your life"

so , cherish&treasure every moment when u were with your friends !
they may not be able to be with u all along as they had their own life..
what comes around, goes around too and this apply to Friends also.
but not forgetting one's beloved Family !

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

21st Sept 2010.

hey ,
post on 21st of Sept !
there's 3 thing.
first , its exactly 1 month to MY 18th birthday - 21st Oct.
second , its my cousin KhaiKhai's 18th birthday.
i will not forget her birthday bcos she is 1month elder than me(:
btw , she's my maternal side cousin.
last but not least , it only left 34days to my O lvl Enligh&EMaths.

oh my goodness ~
i have a mixed feeling of emotion , both excited&scared.
excited bcos faster finish faster enjoy and do whatever i want and able to work !
scared bcos im not prepared yet and afraid tt i will not get th result i want again..
th feeling issn't really good , its hurtful and painful.
i'll always rmb th feeling after knowing i didnt get A1 for EMaths, POA and Science.
after knowing tt no one score an A1 for POA in Sec5N ,
i totally just broke down and burst out into tears , couldnt hold on anymore..
of cos i hid th tears to avoid ppl seeing me cried , but i think only Jaslyn saw.
so please , dun let it happen again.. dont let th history happen anymore..
im afraid of failure and not getting what i want.
once failure once pain is enough.
*tears are falling from my cheek again*
though i didnt retake POA , but i did take Emath&English.
EMath - A1 , English - B3/B4. & tts my aim in O level 2010.

Monday, September 20, 2010

INSOMNIA - big or small problem?

hi ,
today suppose to have 2 tution - Peter's & Elicia's.
but , i cancelled it.
bcos last night i slept late , no , rather i NEVER sleep !
i cant sleep th whole night , i dunno why..
haish. i only manage to sleep like around 6-7am?
tts why i cant have tuition as it starts at 1pm.
end up i wake up at 3pm.

there's one comprehension i did with Elicia , is about "Insonmnia".
its an interesting passage.
"this is th first time i understand th comprehension passage and i feel like i've insomnia !"  i told her after reading.
"Slight insomnia might only mean taking a longer time to fall asleep."
"..severe insomnia... can go without sleep th entire night."
OMG ~ i have both slight&severe insomnia man..
issit a big problem to have insomnia? should i visit th doctor? or its just a small problem tt most ppl have?

btw , Peter is my English tuition teacher and Elicia is my English&Math tuition teacher(:

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hi ,
today is th first day of birth for my new-born bloggy *clapclap*
though  i used to have a blog ; x-stephanie.blogspot.com but i deleted it liao):
& well , im even more idiot in blogging stuff and tts for sure !

recently , i dunno why i feel like blogging again..
 perhaps , im troubled with many things and i have no places to "complain".
thus ,i will treat this blog as my BEST OF BEST FRIEND.
though its a pity tt this best of best friend of mine couldnt "talk" to me and give me advise ,
but i will still LOVE you.

some recent photos of me tt was edited by Elaine(:
& there's ALOT more coming up bcos she havent edit nicenice.
1st picture i had with my new haircut(:
& i curl inwards abit myself *clap*
exactly th day after my oral , i went to cut.
then headed to Elaine der 7th month dinner.

credits to Elaine for being both a photographer & editer.
this was th surprise tt she wanted to give me.
& she was sooo contented and piao piao ran after she send me.
cos she said tt it was th first time she edit until like that and was so fucking nice(tts what she claimed)
she even said tt it was bcos she's a good and skillful photogragher&editer , tts why its so fucking nice.
w/o a good&chio model , could u take such a nice photo out? yeah , true? hahahas.

btw, its a sad and annoying thing..
 i cant upload my pictures[theres alot] in my camera to my computer !
bcos theres once my computer went for servicing then when came back ,
th samsung<mycamera's brand> disc tt was installed by my cousin were gone !
&& th worst thing was tt my samsung disc went missing too !!! 
fuck ~ knn ccb !@#$%^&*()  ARGHHHHHH !
what should i dooooooo ? omg ~
"go buy a new samsung disc?"
ehh ! u tot no need money ahhh.. im jobless and seriously fucking broke now hor !
& even i buy , who's th kind soul to help me install?
wah ~ im really pissed off by this man.
cos i wan my pictures to be upload and able to send pictures to th ppls who always chase me for pictures tt were taken by my camera !!

happy 1st day to my blog - s-isforstephanie.blogspot.com.